Thursday, February 27, 2014

Depression, You Might Not Know You’re Feeling Down

Depression, You Might Not Know You’re Feeling Down

We all experience highs and lows. But when the lows become increasingly often and begin to interfere with the functions of daily living, then it’s a cause for concern.
Depression affects twice as many women as men and most people don’t seek the help they need. Those that do, usually receive some type of drug therapy to mask the issues.
Woman sad sitting on the floor
Depression isn’t all in your head.

The Biggest Concern?

You may not realize you’re actually feeling depressed until after you’ve overcome it or someone mentions it to you. Often we think it’s just a bad day, but what happens is it becomes bad day, after bad day until it begins to affect your life, family and livelihood negatively.

Common Symptoms of Depression

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Overwhelming sadness
  • Hyper-irritability
  • Poor concentration
  • Changes in appetite
  • Withdrawal
  • Chronic physical symptoms
  • Thoughts of suicide

Not Just in Your Head, A Whole Body Experience

Since your mind affects your body, and your body affects your mind, changing your physiology can change your psychology.
Depression is really a whole body condition that affects body, mind, emotions and spirit.
It’s not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something you can simply wish away. You can’t just “snap out of it” or put on a happy face and think it away.
So, it’s time to do something about it, naturally if possible.

Dealing with Depression | Finding Relief

A recent study, conducted by Duke University Medical Center, compared exercise with the use of a popular antidepressant. Those taking the drug saw a 38% relapse in their symptoms. In the exercise-only group, only 8% of participants experienced a relapse.
This shows exercise may be a key element in elevating your mood and improving your health – whether you’re depressed or not.
Remember, you experience everything in life through your nervous system. If your nervous system is compromised, your life experience will be compromised. This is just one more reason to seek safe and natural chiropractic care first.
Want to talk to someone about how you’re feeling and get natural care? We’re here for you, with open ears and open hearts.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Can Chiropractic Manage Migraines?

Woman with migraine

You’re in agony, in a darkened room, with no sound. Your throbbing head feels as though it is splitting in half and you’re nauseous, maybe even vomiting. You have a migraine and you just want the pain to go away…and never come back.

There are many triggers – the most common are:
  • Foods, including alcohol, aged cheese, caffeine, chocolate, artificial sweeteners and seasonings (MSG)
  • Hormonal changes, related to a drop in estrogen levels, which may occur before a woman’s monthly period. Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can also trigger migraines
  • Medications
  • Stress
  • Too much/too little sleep
  • Weather changes or changes in time zone or altitude
  • External factors, such as bright lights, certain smells (perfume) or second-hand smoke
Typical medical treatment for migraines is prescribed preventative and symptom-relieving medication.

Positive Results with Chiropractic Care

A number of research studies have examined the effects of chiropractic care on the frequency, intensity and duration of migraine headaches. One such study, conducted for six months at the Chiropractic Research Center of Macquarie University in Australia, involved 177 participants who had migraine headaches for an average of 18 years.
The results of the study were impressive; most of the participants experienced positive outcomes. Seventy-two percent had substantial reduction or noticeable improvement in their symptoms, including a drop in the frequency, intensity and duration of their migraines, and a decreased need for their migraine medications.

Consider the All-natural Approach

If you or someone you love suffers from migraine headaches, or any other type of headache, please consider all-natural, conservative chiropractic care. Ask to see our testimonials; we have many patients who are grateful for the headache relief they have experienced as a result of chiropractic care.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Silence Those Sinuses!

Headaches and Neck Pain
 While it’s not specifically a treatment for sinus headaches, many report improvement with chiropractic care.

You know the feeling…your head is congested and your face hurts. You press on your cheeks and there’s pain – the pain that can only come from an inflammation in your sinuses. And then…there’s the headache that usually accompanies the sinus congestion. Let’s face it – you feel downright miserable.

Sometimes the symptoms of a migraine and a sinus headache can be confused, however, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea generally accompany migraines.
Symptoms of a sinus headache may include:
  • Pressure and pain in the areas of the forehead, eyes and cheeks
  • Nasal congestion and stuffiness
  • A yellow or green discharge from the nose
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Chills and fever
  • Swelling in the face
Natural remedies that may alleviate some of these symptoms include using a nasal saline (salt) rinse or spray, breathing moist air to help drain nasal passages, avoiding cigarette smoke and drinking plenty of water.

A visit to our practice may also help. Many have reported improvement with chiropractic care. Restored nerve communications to the head and neck can often help reduce sinus pressure and improve sinus drainage. It is a safe and natural alternative to prescription and over-the-counter medications that may leave you feeling fuzzy-headed and tired, or that may produce additional side effects that only address symptoms, rather than the cause of your discomfort.

Kinnard Chirpopractic